Dea Records Dea Records


Travel Stories

Travel Stories - Travel Companion

Davide Bussoleni: Drums, Loris Leo Lari: Bass, Giovanni Gosi: Guitar, Roberto Boccasavia: Piano
Marco Pieri: Compositions, Guitar, Keyboards, Luca Ceribelli: Sax
Pietro “the count” Montaldi: Baritone and Alto, Tenor Sax (woodwind section) (Loop Survival)

Roberto Boccasavia: Electric Piano (After Midnight)

Cristophe Jodorosky: Harmonica (A Real Hero)

Recording sound engineer: Fabio “Flex” Guarneri. (April 2017)
Mixed and produced by Marco Pieri (2017-2018)

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Marco Pieri’s music is a way of life and suffers from the difficulty of expressing himself and making himself heard in a world that is increasingly “professionally” indifferent .. the characteristic that makes the writing of those who accept that art is “demanding” as a guide and mentor of one’s life. “Perhaps is the most beautiful word in the Italian vocabulary, because it opens up possibilities, not certainties … Because it does not seek the end, but goes to infinity.”
The effects present in the recordings are obtained by the real-time manipulation of pedals and guitars recorded in session, without using computers.


Modern Times

Aside from the reference to Chaplin’s cinematographic masterpiece, the piece is my interpretation of the industrialized and globalized human world, a sadness at the bottom flows from the melody, a conscious melancholy vision of our way of life, based on the exploitation and impoverishment of the individual through “work”; A wide and calm melody written on a fast and tight time, metaphor of our being in the world in “race” .. in spite of ourselves. In the same way the notes bring a “youthful” hope, Musical intent where the strength of the melody becomes a metaphor for strength, the courage to live and face life.


How many times “maybe” has, or would have changed our life … even just the day or the moment; that indefinite place where all our actions and thoughts subject to chance and chaos .. our feelings and fears reflect the doubt inherent in all our choices .. and are summarized in the word .. “Maybe”.

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day .. (America / Canada holiday celebrated on February 2nd) and title of a film where the interpreter (Bill Murrey) always relives the same day in a sort of time loop; “I start over again” is the translation Italian of metaphorical meaning..and this piece is a kind of bridge between my previous compositions and these last ones, a kind of step where “the usual” is channeled and taken to a “new world” .. or maybe just to ears renewed .. but basically it always starts again.

A Real Hero

I don’t believe in “heroes” .. I believe in heroism though, which is that basic condition of survival in life ..
After many years of musical life and despite constant adversities and contrary winds, I’m still here making music, that’s how I wrote a song for a “real hero” .. metaphor of the common man who survives adversity .. without uniforms or cloaks, but with a guitar ..

After Midnight

The Night does not distract us from ourselves as the day..passes more slowly, it seeks out ghosts and anxieties as well as precious gardens and deep joys;
For those who like me go to bed at 6 in the morning, the nocturnal condition is the usual thing strengthened in and by time ..
After Midnight was born with these reflections and reflects my introspective path, obviously … after midnight.

Travel Companions

Presentation song of the quartet of the same name: Travel companions or travel companions if you want ..
Written for two guitars in anticipation of “new” sounds
brought in my compositions from the advent of Giovanni to the second guitar .. a bit like a business card (Listening) of the group sounds and the “stylistic tendency” sought by the Musicians.

My Land

In the summer I cycle a lot through the embankments and countryside around my city Cremona, places I love and where I grew up, hence the inspiration for this peaceful and dreamy song, but supported by the rhythm (of pedaling) in the late sun summer afternoon and in the solitude of the wonderful fields.
In these green and cultivated places I looked for my inspiring Muse to write “the soundtrack” of my family and “home” visions .. to add musical memory to my bicycle trips through the Cremonese countryside.
In the piece there is also a “technical tribute” to a young guitarist who died years ago at the age of 27 named Randy Rhoads who as a boy I loved and esteemed a lot .. I purposely inserted a harmonic sequence taken from his composition from 1980 to give him my respectful tribute and to thank him for the powerful musical stimulus given to me at a young age.

Survival Loop

A piece structured like a small suite, where the repeated and almost obsessive basic guitar riff punctuates the rhythmic performance of the piece as a sort of “Loop” .. a small metaphor for “surviving”, primary mechanism and primogenic force of life .
The apparent calm of the passage of the song alternates moments full of “tragic anger” that tell a story already felt that repeats itself inexorably over time .. and that touches every single living organism on the planet (hence the title of the song) “Survival loop “this” vicious virtuous circle “, survival which is a desperate force that permeates our whole life, which makes us face Monsters and Demons, fight even in the most desperate conditions ..
Hence the inexorable crescendo of the passage towards the “liberating despair of the human scream to life in its running towards the end”.
My thoughts go in particular to those who run away from the atrocities of misery and the war that dies with their children in the sea which is the same that I like so much and where I go on vacation .. of a world that makes rankings and assigns different values, to according to the proceeds, to Human life and to life in general .. This passage is dedicated to them.